Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Christmas Eve :)

I just wanted to pop in and say my top things that I think anyone would want to have for Christmas, or really, any time of the year. I think its important to remember that there are birthdays, anniversaries, things happening all the time, so I don't want this to be too "timed" in a sense that the next day everything would be 50% off in a store. These things will be loved all year long, not just for a month.

I am loving trays right now--they can handle anything.

They can be to hold remotes, hair brushes and ties, or to keep all the perfume from taking over your whole dresser (as is the case in my room). I love this white one from Pier One. I love this place so much, I want to buy every other thing I see in there!

This wooden tray pic is from the blog "honewerehome". I love how everything is organized looking; this is definitely the way I clean and that everything I use is right in front of me and I have easy access to it---otherwise what's the point of having it if we are not going to use it, right?

I also love lanterns, I think that they are just so fun and pretty and add the right amount of whimsy to indoors or to outdoors. These black ones have got me smitten, and I had to break down and buy it from ZGallerie. I hope there are more coming in my future! ;)

 Can you see now why I'm so crazy about them?! AUGH. LOVE.

I think that cake stands (see previous post) are also a classic item that people are once again rediscovering. They are coming up everywhere, but I love when something can have multiple uses.

I'm loving this one by The Decorista ( that has perfumes all on cute. I love to display my jewelry, perfume, makeup, makeup brushes....yes, my husband has to put up with a LOT. :) But I love to see such fun and girly things all the time, especially since I believe we as woman take a lot of thought into purchasing something (I know I do!) unlike men who can just like something and get it right away. So I like to display the "winners", the ones that got to go home with me :)

All of these pictures are off of my pinterest page, (Which I LOVE). My page is come and check it out sometime :) If you have never been on pinterest before, be prepared to lose a few a hours of your life...just a warning :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The millionth DIY cake stand

Hey guys and girls, I thought I would go ahead and post about the original, great, new idea of a cake stand (not). I know this idea has been done a million and one times, but I loved it and so I made one too. My pictures for this project have been in my camera for a long time because I do not want to be one of those bloggers who just repeats every darn thing that they see, but I have convinced myself that there will be times that I have an amazing idea, and sometimes where I will borrow another persons amazing idea. So. That's my story and I'm sticking with it!

I started out with one plate that I got at the dollar store:

I LOVED the detailing where the little bumps (such a scientific term, am I right?) were bordering all around the plate. I wanted to find more like that, but did not know where to turn. Luckily, the same day I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and found another plate I also really liked (I love white on white) and was ready to go home and get my plate cake stand started.

That's right you  guys...a whopping .48 from BB&B, I wish there were more, I would have bought all of them! I just got a candle stick from my stash (what? You don't have a candle and  candle stick stash?). For some reason I think that the stores will stop selling what I like and start selling weird stuff that I don't like, so I like to stock up on things that I do like. Hopefully that makes sense. And it makes sense that I have mulitiples of the same makeup items too, right? Because they always get discontinued after I already fall in love with them.

SO. This is instant love when combined with this. And you get this:

I LOVED this project and loved that it only took me a dayish to make ;) Added plus: the pink rose petals. Yes, they are real. I loved this stand so much that I defaced pretty real flowers. That is love, my friends.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hello, Lover

Hi Guys. My name is Maria, I have decided to start a blog after reading blogs for a couple of years. I started to fall in love with them a couple of years ago, and am finally now deciding that it is time for me start one of my own. Why now, you ask? Well, because before I would always question myself and say that writing a blog would take too much of my time, and I would be making too much of a commitment (I don't have commitment issues, I assure you), but I have decided that there are just way too many design blogs out there that really do not have a purpose, and aren't really teaching you anything and that if I know how to do something, I want to share it. I hope that you all will enjoy my blog, and take the time to read it. I hope to write about designs that I'm crushing on, how-to's (because everyone loves a good how-to), things that I like at the moment, and maybe even make a few blogger-friends along the way.